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Using Technology To Create Better Readers

With the Arkansas State Initiative, R.I.S.E, I have been looking for technology tools that could help students become better readers. I wanted tools that all teachers could use that wouldn't require them to sell their first born. I like FREE! I also like to find applications the integrate well with Google Classroom. Here is one I stumbled across this morning and that is, "Whooo'". Teachers can set up account that link to their Google Classroom that enables students to login and take quizzes on books they have read. Questions aren't multiple choice, they revolve around open-ended prompts. So, try it out!

How It Works

  • Create a FREE account at and add your students.

  • Once students have finished a book, give them their login information and direct them to log in and take a quiz. Our library is not restrictive, as we have standards-aligned quizzes for every book.

  • Quizzes are comprised of open-ended questions only. As students type their responses to those questions, they will receive automatic, in-the-moment feedback on how they can improve their answers.

  • After students complete the quiz, they will receive coins, which they can use to purchase accessories in the Owl Shop for their Owlvatar (Owl Avatar).

  • Logging reading (WR School licenses only) allows students to keep track of how much they’re reading before they take their quiz.

  • Standards-aligned Journal Activities provide additional practice between quizzes, and opportunities to earn more coins.

  • All of the students’ work and progress towards goals is housed in the teacher account, where teachers can also access insights and next steps for individual student or group strengths and weaknesses.

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